
NRA CCW, Instructor Workshop

Original price was: $360.00.Current price is: $340.00.

  • Registration/Admin
  • Apply the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling
  • Basic principles of concealment
  • Difference between cover and concealment
  • Drawing from the holster
  • Levels of mental awareness
  • Developing the proper mindset when using a pistol for personal defense
  • Course Completion and certification


Prerequisite: Possession of an Active Certified Pistol rating is a prerequisite for certification as an NRA CCW instructor. Prior to the CCW instructor training, candidates must first complete and pass the student level NRA CCW Course as per NRA Training Policy.

Description: Course may be presented in three parts: Basic Instructor Training, discipline-specific instructor training, and the Live-Fire Range instructor training. Instructor Candidates demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course and must pass a written instructor certification examination. Additionally, the Instructor Candidates must pass the CCW Instructor Level shooting Qualification Course of Fire.