Online PSP Level 2 Training


Private Security Level II is the introductory 6-hour class that covers the basics of Level II (Level 2) Non-Commissioned Security, or Unarmed Security Guard in Texas. This security training course provides Level 2 training as required by the State of Texas. Once complete, you will be provided with your certificate of completion, which is to be submitted and approved by the State (Texas Private Security Bureau has its guidelines/regulations/fees). Once approved by the State, you will be able to work legally as a Non-Commissioned/Unarmed security officer in the State of Texas.

Note: Please note that you must first complete this security class before moving forward with Level 3 training.

Notice: “Please be advised under the Private Security Act (Occ. Code Chapter 1702) and Administrative Rule 35.4 (37 Tex. Admin. Code 1), a criminal conviction may disqualify you from a registration, commission, or license under the Act. You may wish to review Rule 35.4’s list of disqualifying offenses and the related periods of ineligibility, available on the department’s website at (click on the link to Administrative Code).  You also have a right to request from the department a criminal history evaluation letter under Occupations Code Section 53.102.”


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