Online PSP Level 3 Training


  • This 30-hour course qualifies the Non-Commissioned Security Officer to become Commissioned (armed). In this course, you will learn the Rules and Regulations necessary to do the job legally. Online training is a Class requirement you can complete at your own pace. It meets the Texas Department of Public Safety requirements.  You will need to complete the Level 3 Practical hands-on course with BSA (Certified in all areas) or a qualified instructor to complete your Level 3 course. Ensure you have a qualified Firearms and Defensive Tactics instructor.Please be advised under the Private Security Act (Occ. Code Chapter 1702) and Administrative Rule 35.4 (37 Tex. Admin. Code 1), a criminal conviction may disqualify you from a registration, commission, or license under the Act. You may wish to review Rule 35.4’s list of disqualifying offenses and the related periods of ineligibility, available on the department’s website at (click on the link to Administrative Code).  You also have a right to request from the department a criminal history evaluation letter under Occupations Code Section 53.102.”
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